I have always loved the soothing and lovely scent of lavender. I grow it in my garden each year. And even though I didn't have a green thumb at all this season, my trusty lavender plants came back to make me smile. I breathe in their amazing smell whenever I walk outside.
I am amazed when I drive, that there seems to be a spa or even two or three spas on every block. I create my own private spa with
DancingMooney's soaps, and now with her incredible new sugar scrub cubes! How cool are these? I love them.

And, if you love the scent of lavender, you must try Refabulous' eco-friendly lavender dryer sachets! I've ordered them twice already because I L-O-V-E them so much! They scent my laundry ever-so-softly with my favorite smell...fresh, light, lovely....natural!
And they last a very, very long time...like forever...but you can also refresh them with her lavender essential oil too!
And...since I am on the subject of lavender, I made a gift set with lavender-violet colors using my beloved Matryoshkas that you know I adore!
Hope you have a restful, peaceful happy day today. Breathe in your favorite smells of wonderful and don't forget to stop and smell the roses too. ~Kathy