Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Day of Rest

aaaaah. It's been a crazy school year, a frantic month, and a full weekend. I just got back from the doc's with some antibiotics for a sinus infection, and I am going to relax today, feed a fever, and rest.

Wishing you all a healthy and peaceful Sunday, too. Take care of yourself.


Jennifer Richardson said...

Blueberry love
and sweet summery rest
to you, friend
...bright grace to every
bit of you,
body and soul.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there!

Barb Smith said...

You sound absolutely exhausted. Rest and relax and I bet that helps you to feel better.
Peace & Love,

Julie said...

Put those feet up. Lots of Vit C and smell some roses. Always good for the soul. hugs Julie

Lancerika said...

Time to pamper yourself firefly friend!
take it so very easy and slow.Sleep lots and
you will be your sunny beautiful self again...
it will get better...
Xoxo erika

Taylor schapiro said...

Love these photos. So glad you are finally done for the summer. Do enjoy it all.