Sunday, February 9, 2014


...spending some much needed time
this weekend.
I spend 50 hours a week
working at second grade
and with the winter darkness and cold,
my February feels tough.

I keep reminding myself to feel
the light
of love
and warmth.

Praying for those students
that live a seemingly
impossible life at 'home'
with more issues
than I will ever have...


froebelsternchen said...

beautiful page!

Anonymous said...

Always good to find appreciation for where you are at any given moment. February can be a particularly hard month to traverse through. Luckily we have lots of creative blogging friends to help shine a light. Loving your page and all the desert colors.

Jennifer Richardson said...

The most challenging part of teaching, I'm sure, friend.
And you're right....what a beauty
it would be if everything were saturated in and motivated by
simple love.
Powerful love.
Makes life worth living love.
Your life makes a difference, friend....a more potent difference
than you know.
Grace to you as winter wears on.
(ooooh, child, things'll get brighter)
love and hugs to beautiful you,

Unknown said...

This is beautiful. My son teaches 2nd grade and has similar feelings. xo

DancingMooney said...

This is a beautiful page Kathy. ♥ *hugs*

Createology said...

I spent many years in elementary school classes and those precious little children have way too many home issues we can do so little about. Parents need to be taught to do better jobs! Your page is touching and poignant. Love would definitely help this world we live in. Sending you Love and Light and Warm Hugs Kathy Dear...