Friday, November 19, 2010

Gratitude Journaling...

I remember as a child, realizing for the first time, that I could think something inside that no one else could see or know. I remember who I was with, what I was thinking, and where I was standing. It was a startling discovery. It was amazing. It was scary. I was a little kid and I felt a whole new large life beginning. The power of the human mind. The power we could all tap into.
As an adult, I still am amazed at how much we can think and feel and wonder and solve. I know there is an infinite amount of mind energy that we can only hope we'll one day realize. And I know the incredible power of faith. And of prayer.
Wishing you all a very mindful day. Love, Kath


Createology said...

Powerful post as well as a powerful mind. Your gratitude is powerful as well. Happy weekend to you...

Anonymous said...

Ahh... add the power of positive thinking to that, and you've got a good batch of cookies. ♥

Happy Friday Kathy!

Christine Clemmensen said...

I love this post. I remember the day I "discovered" my thoughts too :-) How funny. I hadn't thought of that in a long time. Thank you for reminding me :-)
Mindfulness to you too :-)

Monica said...

Great post! The power of the human mind ... we have no idea what we can accomplish if we know how to use our minds in a positive way or should I say not many people have tapped into that resource which is so much a part of us.
Lovely day to you too Kath! :)

lisa said...

ooh yes! yes!!!

Unknown said...

Such an awesome post!!!!

beth said...

thinking of you and hoping you are feeling good ???

Nancy said...

You are so right...the mind is a powerful source for good.
"No eye has seen
no ear has heard
no mind has conceived
what God has prepared for those who love Him"
1Cor 2:9

I am so thankful for you and for your comments you left for me. You will never know how much they meant to me and at just the right moment...

I pray you will have an amazing Thanksgiving with loads of love......

Lancerika said...

So amazing is that
scientists today still
cannot figure out where our
thoughts come from,
it makes you wonder...
Our minds are priceless!
grateful for this post
deer *K*

Unknown said...

Oooh I'd forgotten about that first discovery! Wasn't it amazing? When I made this realization I tried to stay in my imagination as much as I could. Hmmm... Makes me wonder if my outlook on life would be different if I went to that place more often.

Kathryn Zbrzezny said...