Monday, January 23, 2012

A Page and a Promise

When I was nine years old,
a friend was instantly, tragically killed
when she was hit by a car.
In her diary, her family found these words,
"If you love someone, tell them today".

I have never stopped hearing
these words in my head.

I say these meaningful words often.
I probably mean them even more.


Createology said...

What a beautiful reminder out of such a tragic early loss of life. I have been enjoying your journaling as I go back a few posts and catch up with what you are doing. Your pages always bring thoughts to my days. Thank you dear. Hugs...

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful sentiment to remember. I am enjoying your blog so much! I love the colors you have for the Love someone, tell them today page. I am working on my Journal as's so...personal, isn't it? It's a total reflection of our Soul. Thank you for sharing yours with us. xo

Unknown said...

Such good advice. I have found myself saying it more the past few years. I used to get self conscious, but I realized while this gesture makes me vulnerable - it is well worth it.

Lancerika said...

...trying to say loVe*you*today*and every day...
*loVe is all you need* from the