Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Kind Words

Is it possible that strength has something to do with being kind and patient on the outside,
even when one doesn't always feel it on the inside?!


Unknown said...

Such a beautiful post, and very beautiful journal! Hope you enjoyed your break! Mine went by in a flash!!

Julie said...

Strength is exactly that.

Anonymous said...

this is beautiful. both your words and your artwork. definitely one of my faves!

Jennifer Richardson said...

mmmmmmmm hmmmmmm...me thinks so:)
Love your butterfly art....makes me
step a little lighter.

Liana Yarckin said...

Love your page design. I love butterflies. I think it takes every bit of strength for me to be kind and patient.

Anonymous said...

This idea makes me feel challenged and convicted at the same time. Thanks. I needed that. I'll be reflecting on this the rest of the day and trying to put it into practice...

Anonymous said...

Absolutely! Sometimes we do just have to act the part of being strong, and somehow... we find that we are. ;)