First, here's some journaling I did this week. Aren't other ladies important in your life? We are such a good and necessary support system for one another, aren't we? I sure do get that feeling, and I hope you do too. I don't know where I'd be without girl friends!

...or "Jet", in black vintage. All are Gold Plated. You may even choose which style of pierced wire you'd like: leverback, kidney wire, or french wire (bottom).
And now, Giveaway News!
Today is my ONE YEAR BLOG ANNIVERSARY, I really want to give you 70+ followers (!) a big hug and a giveaway chance to show you again how much I enjoy being here in BlogLand. 164 posts!
You have given me so much, I truly wish I could send you all a gift in the mail, but I will try my best to always give you my heartfelt thoughts, feelings, journaling, and hopefully some inspiration....and more giveaways in the future. (In fact, PaperPumpkin.etsy is having an anniversary at the end of this month, too, so keep an eye out!)
Now, on with this Blog Giveaway!
My lovely daughter, Mia Michelle, from miabeads.etsy has offered to give away a pair of earrings!
You may choose these "Smoke" Earrings in gray...
...or these "Looking Glass" Earrings in light blue,

...or "Jet", in black vintage. All are Gold Plated. You may even choose which style of pierced wire you'd like: leverback, kidney wire, or french wire (bottom).
All you have to do is leave me a comment about something that makes you smile, and your earring choice! I will randomly choose a winner on Tuesday Night (July 20th) before my bedtime!
Thank you so very much, and keep smiling! Happy Weekend!
Kath xo
How exciting!! I love the smoke colored earrings!! I agree our girls are very important people in our life, we have to stick together and always be there for one another(O:
Compliments make me smile! And i also really like the "Smoke" Earrings in gray
katch05 at gmail dot com
happy blog-iversary, sweet pea!!! thinking about how lucky i am that our paths have crossed truly makes me smile!!! (and your journal pages make me smile, too.....we absolutely LOVE our girlfriends!!!)
it looks like talent runs in the family....these earrings from mia are gorgeous!!! i especially love those french wires.....beautiful!!
xox, :))
Kathy, YOU make me smile! I've never had a real sister either, but having wonderful girlfriends is the best, too! And I needed one recently, and you were there for me, and I sincerely appreciate that, since I know you've been dealing with some things of your own. ♥
Playing with paints makes me smile, petting my pooch makes me smile, looking at my flower beds after a day of weeding makes me smile... making my husband smile makes me smile... need I say more? :D
Love you girl! Happy Anniversary!! ♥
Oh yes, I agree with Lori too... your journal pages ALWAYS make me smile. You have such a knack for collage Miss! ♥
I like the french hooks in smoke!!!
What makes me smile are memories and close friends and my son.
WoW.. a year went already?
Congrats deer firefly girlfriend!
well..I'm smiling just because
we are alive today:))
all the best!
A year goes by so fast, uh? What a giveaway and a generous daughter you have..I love the
jet in black vintage....
My girlfriends, my grandchildren, and my animals all make me smile.....
Have a wonderful day.....
Yes, there is nothing like the friendships between women. We sooo need them!! You know Kathy, so much puts a smile on my face. I was smiling. Smiling at the women in my journal class/group at their discoveries and joy in journaling. Smiling at my grandson sitting at the dinner table, laughing his little head off. He so entertains us!! Smiling when I think of all the people I have met through blogging, and the incredible encouragement I receive. And then to be able to win a beautiful pair of earings just tops them all off!!
Thank you for the opportunity. They are all beautiful, but I think my preference would be the first pair just as they are.
Tell you daughter she is incredible talented and generous!!
Oh can't forget to tell you I love your journal pages!!
Happy birthday to Paper Pumpkin! Every time I visit I'm left uplifted and swinging easier, like chimes in the wind.
Art that flows from open hearts makes me every expression and form. It's deep, undemanding comfort and inspiration reaches past my defenses, like flowers spilling over my garden walls. I'm never left unchanged.
Those earrings are such beauties....I especially like the sky-like ones.
Yes, yes, yes to girlfriends...each one is pure gift!
Happy anniversary Paper Pumpkin blog!
How you have brought so much joy & comfort to those lucky enough to find & follow you!
Wishing you another year filled with laughter, love, tenderness & special moments.
Now onto smiles...far too many things to list, however the things that are top of mind are as follows: My husband made me a promise many years ago that he would make me smile everyday of my life & he has!
The fact that my daughter is one of my closest friends makes me smile, that & the fact that she is a happy thoughtful giving person makes me smile.
Looking out my kitchen window and seeing a mother duck with all her little baby ducklings following her in the little pond behind us makes me smile.
The lists goes on & on, but mostly just the awareness that I'm so very lucky to have so much to be thankful for.
I love all of Mia's earings!
Oh my!!! These are lovely. These earrings made me smile... and your comments on my blog always do too!
Happy blogoversary!
Happy blogoversary :-) I love your journal pages - and yes, girlfriends are hugely important, although I am lucky enough to have two sisters too.
Wow, what lovely earrings - what a generous giveaway. I love the blue - well ,what can I say, I'm a denim girl!
Lots of things make me smile - I have just been to a children's performance of a midsummer nights dream and I smiled all the way through. Blog friends make me smile. And one thing never fails to make me smile - SINGING! Well, what can I say? I am a music teacher :-)
Such a wonderful giveaway! Happy Blogoversary! And here is to another year! Please don't count me in on the Give Away, as I am allergic to all metals on my skin..... (sad face) Just wanted to wish you a great Giveaway!
Happy anniversary! It makes me smile to think of how much connection and belonging can come from blogging. I never expected that I'd develop such close friendships with people I have never met and yet have grown to know better than some of my "real life" friends!
The "Looking Glass" Earrings in light blue are awesome!! They make me smile!
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