Then, random drops of 3 inks in gorgeous mustard, eggplant and olive were squeezed next to one another on that wipie.
Ta da! What's great is that everytime you dip your stamp onto the wipie ink pad, you can place it in a different spot or direction, to get the colors in different places on the flower print!
I loved this technique! Thank you, dear Lu-Lu! {This would be fun to do with kids, too!)
This is just fabulous!
What a wonderful idea....these are them.....
great idea.....and your carved stamps look fabulous in this color palette!!! xox, :))
Loving those colors....beginning to blush just a little with Fall:)
Your handcarved stamps are wonderful. Now with this ink technique your stamps are truly coming to life. Happy creating...
great idea!!! I love your stamps!
Oh Kathy, you are just so creative! And I'm loving that stamp too! You go girl! ♥
Wow, great idea! I have a thing for stamps recently...I should try this. Thank you! By the way, love that stamp of yours!
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