...or not.
Fall wardrobes are on display in every store, in every magazine. I try. I really do. I guess.
I love high heels...to look at.
I love glamorous dresses...on someone else.
I love tight jeans...when I was 19.
I love short skirts...on them.
Me, T-shirts, flip flops, baggy jeans that give me "mom butt" I hear.
I even try "layering".
I don't like the feel of tight camisoles under layers.
But, with September coming around the corner, and me, the teacher, going back to work,
I am considering some new style updates.
I want to look professional again and simple, a bit stylish.
...I'll let you know if it works!
Do you have any advice?
Ever considered JJill? Go and look at their online catalog. Even if you don't buy their clothes, they have a clean, put together look that is simple. I used to work at a school and quite a few of the teachers had this look.
oh boy can I relate!
I think that may be why I'm okay with being covered in soil or paint much of the time
..it's a great excuse to dress ultra-comfy.
And I wore birkenstocks before birks were cool:)
And still grieving the passing of overall jeans.
You can update and still be true to your heart.
(JJill is a great idea.)
Okay! I did it! I went to JJill.com and spent an hour or more looking, AND they had a 20% off sale this weekend only, so...I bought 4 things! I am excited, thanks! See, I need sisters! ♥Kath
I'm terrible when it comes to fashion too, I'm glad to know it's not just me. I've taken up watching 'What Not To Wear' on TLC... it's a cute show about breaking a girl down and then building her back up again. It's a fashion show, but at the same time, it's about confidence and living in our own skin.
I get lots of ideas from that show, on styles I like, as well as how to buy the right clothes for my body. I love it when they have feature someone who's similar to me, gives me an idea of what I could look like, in a whole new way...
here's a link...
i love this awareness of what fashion means to the individual. clothes talk to me speak for me at the same time. what i choose to wear becomes an expression of a current need: comfort, expression, art, differentness, security, etc. somedays it's j.jill, others it's goodwill. sometimes i want to shake it up and others i want the comfort of the same.
i guess what i'm trying to say is that whoever you are and how you dress it is good and if you're searching for something else, well that's good too!
I have to feel good in what I have on or it can affect my mood...I know that crazy but I'v found I have to like what I have on....and on any given day that's different....I love J Jill too and sometimes Coldwater Creek....
Even Orvis has some great casual comforable clothes but you have to pick and choose there....and another terrible habit I have is if I find something that fits and I think looks good I will buy in diffferent colors...how sick is that.....
Find what you feel good in and you will glow....
Not much help in the fashion area :-/ sorry.
I'm so glad you got the postcards :-)) and that you like them :-))) thank you :-)
i love clothes and fashion, but, i agree with you on the high heels. i have several gorgeous pairs that "decorate" my closet since i always chose my flip flops!!!! being a mom of 3 boys, one wants to have fun with fashion, but, you gotta be able to run with those little guys vs. struggling in heels.
fashion advice: i like to wear knit on my body, lots of turtlenecks from target so you can throw them in the wash over and over. i wear these with skirts or pants and then i put on either a very cool modern day wrap sweater or handpainted or hand embellished scarf that i have collected from various places. Put your hair up and accessorize with an interesting hair piece. always wear lipstick and mascarra to open up your eyes! let me know what you think!
I really DO need to do more with my hair! I have been forced to, with the high heat and humidity here this summer, so I've been wearing it up (finally) and putting in pretty hairpins from Miabeads.etsy. I love lip gloss and mascara! I definitely need to accessorize with scarves this season, a must! Thank you!!
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