This was done Sunday night, and here I am, back at home after a very productive day in my classroom.
Everything that has arrived, has been unpacked.
Most bulletin boards are done, and the rest are started.
It's cleaner.
I made changes around the room to reflect the changes in me lately.
And, I got really excited today! I think I have anticipatory anxiety.
I'm fine once I am there and doing what it is I do.
You know?
♥ Hoping that your back-to-school, back-to-writing-more-lists, and focusing again...is going well!
Hi Kathy,
It sounds like things went well today. After two weeks in school I feel so much better, more at peace, rid of anxiety, working my tail off, but so much better. I hope your class is a really good one this year. XOXO
organization and "ready to go" feels so good !
Yes I can understand this feeling, all the planning and thinking and organising you must have done but then I am sure all is right at the time.
This is a jolly post, and I jolly well like it!
I wish you a jolly good day.
All the best from Jolly Lovely Boonie and his jolly fashion conscious wife
wow. awesome list. very creative.
That's a journal? It's very pretty.
Also, putting "relax" on your list is cool.
Ahh, yes - focus :-)
Love this
I have a to-do list type note pad that's called 'my week' and it starts on Monday and ends on Sunday, and I've decided it's time I start writing the important things down that I need to get done each day.
I always try to be realistic, and if I don't get something done I don't fret, but being able to see what I'm doing on paper, and crossing stuff off as I finish, makes me feel more on track.
ha! lists, I love lists... I have them everywhere. ♥
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