I am in need of yoga or some better stretching, I think. I am too stiff all of a sudden, and feeling old and unfit. If any of you dear blog friends have yoga info and advice for me, do tell! Please!
I am open to new ideas
and your experience in my unknown. ~K
I don't know much about yoga at all but years ago I bought a DVD at Target that was classified as yoga and had all kinds of stretches on it to ease tension in the back. It was pretty good. You might want to search for something like this that says beginner and has ways to thoroughly stretch...
Thank you! I will!
My best advice would be to find a yoga routine you're comfortable with and stick with it. You'll only see improvement over time. When I first started doing it, I had a long way to go before I achieved the kind of flexibility I was after, but I did start seeing improvement as I kept at it.
If you're interested in yoga videos, Rodney Yee has some good ones. He's easy on the eyes too, so that helps. ;-)~
Walk. That's my exercise... and I reach for the sky from my toes to my fingers... it feels good. ♥
well, i'm sure with you on the "feeling stiff, old and unfit" part! i've been trying to walk a little more, and take bike rides.....that seems to be helping so far. my problem is that i spend too much time sitting in my art chair.......ahem. please keep up posted on what you decide to do!
xox, :))
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